Friday 6 March 2015

Friday smiles 109 simple pleasures

Hi peeps life can be full of simple pleasures. ..... Like the sure signs spring is on the way ....
A long line full of washing ... Well it made me smile .... As I said it's the simple things. 
I'm linking up with Annie  share and visit more happy blogs ... Have a look ... Go on ....You know you want to 


  1. The suns out here today too and there really is nothing quite like washing drying out in it is there. I did chuckle at the thought of you having 109 simple pleasures too :-)
    Annie x

  2. lovely! I love the smell of washing brought in from the line but I must admit that I tend to tumble dry these days.
    Jo x

  3. I am with you there. I love to see a long line washing swaying in a gentle breeze. Outside drying beats using a tumble drier any day! Kate x

  4. Washing on the line, always looks so fresh and makes me think of... well, pollen. Sorry I'm such a downer. All you folks can hang out your wash and leave the dryer machine to me.

  5. Oh I love washing on the line too....I quite enjoy pegging washing up, it's very soothing :-). Got two loads out in the line today, lovely sunny, windy weather...perfect for drying!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  6. Snap!! I did the same today and have another basket load to go out tomorrow. I even ironed today's tonight!!!!! Though I have heard on weather that tomorrow isn't going to be as long as it is dry!
    Hugs and coughs

  7. Hi Janet...yes you made me smile - I love seeing the washing on the line, in the sunshine and blowing in the wind - would've had a chuckle if you'd had some knickers on the line :-) Have a super week Robyn


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